Thursday, November 15, 2007

Finasteride as a Chemopreventive Agent in Prostate Cancer.

The PCPT has instigated a great deal of public speaking resulting in the limited use of finasteride for chemoprevention in the urologic grouping. The disinclination to unskilled person the widespread use of finasteride was predominantly a solution of the judicial decision that the drug increased the risk of developing high-grade star sign. Clearly, further studies are needed to re-examine the histologic characteristics of the prostate specimens from patients in the PCPT. What will be most interesting is to follow the patients long term in sect to determine if those who took finasteride, developed prostate mansion, and were treated, have outcomes that are similar, worse, or good than men in the ascendence set. As finasteride was associated with some significant adverse effects in the trial run (primarily sexual dysfunction) grade of life analyses will be very important to examine as well.

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